A Conversation with NT Aboriginal Elders and Community Leaders

A Conversation with NT Aboriginal Elders and Community Leaders

“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter” Martin Luther King Jr. 

Forum & Discussion sponsored by ‘concerned Australians’ cA 

Date:  Thursday 29th June 2017 

Time:  2.45 for 3.00pm – 5.45pm 

Venue:  RMIT Building 80, 4th Level, Room 11 (Yellow Door)  445 Swanston St, Melbourne - Directions here or Tram stop (route 64, stop 7) 


Facilitator:  Jeff McMullen AM – Journalist, former Foreign Correspondent and Filmmaker 

Introduction: Jon Altman AM - Research Professor in Anthropology at the Alfred Deakin Institute for Citizenship and Globalisation at Deakin University 

Northern Territory Speakers 

Josie Crawshaw - Descendant of the Gurindji, former ATSIC Commissioner, founding Member of the Aboriginal Provisional Government, and participant of the recent Uluru Convention 

Harry Jakamarra Nelson - Senior Elder and custodian of the Warlpiri people, North West of Alice Springs with friend and peer Frank Baarda – long term worker and resident of forty years in Yuendumu  

Elaine Peckham - Apmereke-Artweye woman of Mparntwe and custodian of Alice Springs and surrounds 

Yananymul Mungunggurr - Djapu woman, Elder and custodian for Gurrumuru, outspoken advocate for improved education and spokesperson for Yolgnu homelands (TBC)   

Message from Rev. Dr. Djiniyini Gondarra OAM, senior Elder and Dhurili political Clan Leader of the Yolngu people of North-East Arnhem Land  

In 2007 under the Howard Government Aboriginal peoples’ lives in the Northern Territory were suddenly and brutally traumatized. Labeled the ‘Northern Territory Emergency Response’ or ‘NT Intervention’ the policy was later expanded in 2012 by the Gillard Government for ten years and rebranded as ‘Stronger Futures’. These imposed Government policies have caused widespread havoc and disempowerment amongst First Peoples’ communities in the NT, breached human rights and United Nations guidelines, and were not consented to. 

The policies are failing. Aboriginal land rights have been weakened and the Gaps are widening. 


The people have long called for this LEGISLATION TO BE SCRAPPED.  

The sovereignty of the clans and First Nations Peoples must be recognised and respected.  

There has been a resounding call for substantive reform and PATHWAY TO TREATY/IES. 

RSVP: To Pia at cA info@concernedaustralians.com.au by 26th June 

Facebook event (please like and share) at https://www.facebook.com/events/1416115268445355/